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HomePokerPoker Starting Hands 101: What to Play and What to Fold

Poker Starting Hands 101: What to Play and What to Fold

In the game of Texas Hold’em poker, your starting hand selection is arguably the most crucial decision you’ll make. The two hole cards you’re dealt pre-flop essentially determine the trajectory for the entire hand. Understanding the poker game rules and choosing which holdings to play and which to fold before the flop is dealt lays the vital groundwork for solid, profitable post-flop action. As a novice player, quickly recognizing playable starting hands from outright trash is a make-or-break skill to build your overall strategy.

Hand Categories and Terminology

  • Premium Hands: Pocket pairs from AA down to JJ are unanimously considered premium starting hands that should almost always get played very aggressively pre-flop with a raise or re-raise. You’ll also want to put in a raise with the top-suited connector hands like AKs, AQs, and AJs. The reason these holdings are so valuable is their huge implied odds of making straights, and flushes when played aggressively post-flop.
  • Strong Hands: A tier below premium hands, you’ll find strong but not elite holdings like AK and AQ unsuited, big pocket pairs TT-99, and all-suited Ace combos like A9s, A5s, etc. While not necessarily raising hands pre-flop, these combos rate to make strong one-pair or top-pair hands frequently enough to play them under the right circumstances – typically with a call pre-flop, then aggressive action if you hit the flop big.
  • Trash Hands: On the complete opposite end of the spectrum are the starting hand garbage cans – any low unsuited pairs like 33 or below, low unsuited connectors. Have the discipline to consistently fold these weak holdings pre-flop as playing them too widely will drain your stack of chips over the long run. 

Position is Power

In addition to recognizing the different hand categories, understanding your position at the table is absolutely critical in determining how tight or wide your starting hand ranges should be. For example, players in early positions should stick to a very tight and disciplined range of premium and strong holdings only. Any trash or marginal hands in these positions should easily be folded due to the overwhelming number of opponents still acting behind you.

On the other hand, those in late positions have the luxury of opening up their ranges much wider to play more speculative hands. The reason is they have the positional advantage postflop after the majority of players have already entered the pot. So hands that may be considered trash open to fold in early position could potentially be played aggressively on the button depending on your specific table dynamics.

Playing Your Opponents

While having a strong command of starting hand ranges and understanding positional considerations is crucial, you also can’t ignore the specific players and dynamics at your table. Against extremely tight, nitty opponents who only play a small fraction of their hands, you can often afford to loosen up your starting ranges slightly against them to capitalise on their discipline.

But on the flip side, if you’re up against loose players who play way too many starting hands, the complete opposite approach is advised. Tighten up your range and only look to get involved pre-flop with premium and very strong holdings to punish their wild, unpredictable play. Striking the right balance and making adjustments player-to-player is an integral part of putting your starting hand knowledge into practice.

Also Read:

Poker Glossary: Essential Terms Every Player Should Know

Mastering the Art of Bluffing: Strategies from Poker Pros

Tournament Strategy vs. Cash Game Strategy in Online Poker


As hopefully is clear by now, having a solid grasp on pre-flop fundamentals like starting hand selection, position implications, and hand range adjustments based on player tendencies is crucial for any Texas Hold’em player. Making consistently excellent decisions pre-flop and getting yourself involved with quality starting hands compared to your opponents is ground zero for building a fundamentally strong, profitable poker strategy.



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