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HomePoker5 Highly Profitable Poker Hands You Should Play More Often 

5 Highly Profitable Poker Hands You Should Play More Often 

If you’re looking to take your poker wins to new heights, it’s time to re-evaluate your starting hand selection. Too often, amateur players are quick to fold holdings with deceptive strength and huge potential. By adding just these key poker hands to your arsenal and understanding how to play them, you can exploit common low-stakes player tendencies and win massively disproportionate pots on PokerCircle. Let’s dive into these must-play hands that can supercharge your win rate.

  • Jack-Ten Suited

The versatility of Jack-Ten suited makes it a hand you should virtually never fold. With both high straight and flush possibilities, it offers multiple ways to flop a monster. Additionally, it excels as a semi-bluffing hand on draw-heavy boards where your opponents will struggle to put you on such a strong holding. 

For example, if the flop is 8c-7h-4s and you hold JhTh, you have a beast of a draw with 15 outs – a gutshot straight draw, flush draw, and two overcards. Most low-stakes players simply cannot let go when you show this level of aggression. With deep stacks, you can win entire stacks by hitting on the turn or river.

  • Ace-Seven Suited

Don’t overlook the sheer value-making potential of suited Ace holdings like Ace-Seven. While they may seem fairly weak, these hands offer two key profit-boosting dynamics:

  1. Massive Implied Odds – When the flush draw hits, you have one of the strongest possible holdings to stack over pairs struggling to fold.
  2. Deceptive Equity – Hands like AcSd have around 30% equity against overpairs like KK and QQ that will have trouble letting go.

The ability to win huge pots and play aggressively from out-of-position makes suited Aces a must-play.

How to Play: Raise or re-raise pre-flop and lead out with flush draws on drawy boards. Don’t slow down against stubborn opponents on flush draws.

  • Small Pocket Pairs (44, 55, etc.)

While small pocket pairs may seem insignificant pre-flop, they become absolute titans on extremely coordinated flop textures. When you flop a set with 44 or 55, you have a dream scenario against lower-stakes opponents who won’t fold over pairs or top-pair troublemakers.

For example, with 55 on a flop of K-5-2, most recreational players will struggle to let go of hands like AK, KQ, or 88-JJ that are drawing incredibly thin. These are the perfect spots to stack your opponents when deep. The implied odds of winning their entire stack are astronomical.

How to Play: Raise these hands from any position pre-flop. Look to flat call from late positions like the Cutoff/Button to set mine cheaply.

  • Seven-Nine Suited

Suited one-gappers like 7c9c are sleeper holdings that can flop game-changing hidden monsters at lower stakes. When you flop huge straights or over-disguised trips, opponents will never put you on such a strong hand at low levels.

For example, holding 7d9d on a flop of Ts-8c-6h gives you obscured nuts with the NdSd. Most players simply won’t give you credit for this holding, setting you up to stack their entire stack when they get stuck.

How to Play: Raise these strong-seeming but deceptive hands to build a pot. Look to flat call and let opponents catch up with junk if in position.

  • Pocket Tens

Pocket Tens may seem like a premium but unremarkable holding too many amateurs. However, this hand is an absolute beast that should rarely be folded pre-flop, checking in as the 6th strongest starting hand in poker.

The key factor that players miss is that even when you’re up against an overcard on the flop, you are still a favorite over a huge portion of your opponent’s ranges. For example, you have 56% equity against hands like AK, KQ, JJ, etc. when an Ace, King, or Queen hits the flop. 

With such a strong overpair blocker and non-set value, Pocket Tens excel at punishing aggressive opponents who simply cannot let go. They also make a fantastic bluff-catching hand versus maniacs.

How to Play: Always raise or re-raise TT pre-flop. Consider flatting versus tight early-position players but applying immense pressure from late positions.

Read More:

A Newbie’s Guide to Indian Poker

Poker Starting Hands 101: What to Play and What to Fold

Tips for New Players Getting Started with Poker in India


By taking a maximally aggressive approach with these hugely profitable holdings, you can unlock your true potential for earning massive winnings at low stakes. Regardless of the cards you are dealt, always be aware of your massive implied odds and deceptive equity against weaker opponents. Incorporating strategies for these specific hands will quickly propel your poker profits!



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